Rise Reign Rule

The Physics of Growth: Why Rushing Your Business Is Like Defying Nature

December 02, 20245 min read

What they actually want is for you to rush—stamp it out, line it up, and sell it fast.

Really, the way I see it though is, Artistic Sterility disguised as efficiency.

They say, “Hurry up, you’ve run out of time,” as if the clock controls your creativity, your vision, your impact.

But isn’t that the very mentality that Steve Jobs rebelled against?

The corporate urge to extract, to mass-produce, to wring out more at the expense of depth, innovation, and meaning?

He showed us that thinking differently means rejecting this artificial preservation of ideas.

And isn’t this the exact mindset that entrepreneurs embody when they let their businesses evolve naturally, patiently, deliberately?

Think of the natural world. Fruit plucked too early lacks sweetness, its full potential unrealized. Soil forced to produce crop after crop without rest becomes barren. Nature shows us that forcing processes to happen faster doesn’t result in abundance—it results in depletion.

In physics, systems pushed beyond their natural capacity break down. It’s the principle of entropy: the more you try to impose control without understanding the system, the faster it falls apart. The same holds true for your business.

Mass-produced programs, rushed strategies, and shallow solutions are built on the same flawed foundation:

  • They extract value without replenishing it.

  • They demand results without nurturing the process.

  • They wring out as much as they can, as quickly as they can, leaving emptiness behind.

This is not intelligence. This is not sustainability. This is brash extraction, the hallmark of businesses that collapse under their own weight because they ignored the delicate balance required for growth.

Real growth doesn’t come from quick fixes or artificial shortcuts. It comes from evolution—the slow, deliberate process of letting something mature into its full potential.

Many of us, see this highlighted in dating. The courting process takes time to ripen to fill itself with the richness and our clarity in right time. We cannot rush this.

In biology, ripening is another thing seen as: not something you can rush. The transformation of a fruit—its flavor, color, and nutrient density—occurs through a complex interplay of time, sunlight, and natural enzymes. Attempts to speed this process artificially often lead to fruit that looks ripe but lacks depth and richness.

Your business is the same. When you rush to “finish” it—when you skip the ripening process—you end up with something that may look polished on the outside but lacks the substance, the richness, the life that resonates deeply with your audience.

Mass-produced courses and programs reflect this flaw:

  • They’re built quickly, without depth.

  • They promise fast results but leave you with more questions than answers.

  • They lack the “nutrients” required to create lasting transformation.

The imprisonment of rushed creation is perpetuated inside of social, comparison and driven by ego. When at the root of it, business isn’t about you, and was never supposed to be. Interesting how that unconsciously happens.

The truth is, these creators of rushed programs fall into a trap of their own making. In their haste to claim fame, they build something shallow, something they can’t sustain. The result?

They crumble under the weight of their own shortcuts, imprisoned by the very systems they hoped would free them.

Meanwhile, those who embrace spaciousness, love, and the time required to ripen create something entirely different:

  • A business built on richness and authenticity.

  • A process that matures naturally, producing results that last.

  • A nectar so sweet that it nourishes everyone who encounters it.

The sweetness of slow sustained growth is even backed by physics. Don’t freak out on me, lets break this down.

In physics, equilibrium is key to stability. Systems that grow too quickly often experience turbulence or collapse. The same is true in nature: ecosystems evolve over time, finding balance between resources and growth. The same is true for your business.

When you align your business with this natural rhythm:

• You stop fighting against the process.

• You allow time to deepen your understanding and refine your vision.

• You create a foundation that supports sustainable growth—not just a fleeting moment of success.

When you slow down, when you allow your business to ripen under the sun of your effort, love, and time, something extraordinary happens:

• Your work takes on depth, richness, and maturity.

• Your audience feels the authenticity in what you offer.

• Your results aren’t fleeting—they’re transformative.

Mass-produced strategies can’t compete with the nectar of a business that’s been allowed to mature.

The ones who demand speed and sterility don’t understand the power of evolution. They don’t see the richness that comes from allowing your work to grow naturally. They don’t taste the sweetness of a business ripened under the sun of love and spaciousness.

If you’ve been feeling numb, trapped, or far from the joy you once felt in your work, consider this:

• Are you rushing for the sake of it?

• Are you creating from fear of time running out?

• Are you shrinking from the openness your business needs to thrive?

Stop. Breathe. Allow.

Let your work evolve. Let your ideas ripen. Let your business find its natural flavor, its true depth.

Because when you align with nature—when you embrace the richness of slow, intentional growth—you don’t just create something that sells.

You create something that lasts. Something that nourishes. Something that tastes like nothing else in the world.

At the end of the day, I wish there would be someone that would differentiate apple’s tag line - Think Different. Build Lovingly. Could you image the world we’d live in if we’d comprehensively take the lessons Steve had taught us and holistically aligned them to nurture?

Perhaps that’s why Rise Reign Rule is here. Will you Rise?

Physics of GrowthBusinessbusiness growth
Our purpose is steeped in a profound commitment to empower the multifaceted woman who navigates the intricate dance of aspiration, inspiration, and leadership.

Rebecca Korn

Our purpose is steeped in a profound commitment to empower the multifaceted woman who navigates the intricate dance of aspiration, inspiration, and leadership.

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